Ask us to swing into action for your community

To get started with the process, just give us a call. We take it from there by providing detailed program information, organizational documents, specimen ordinances and resolutions and even deliver presentations on demand.

PACE is an economic development engine that’s energized local economies from D.C. to L.A. and thousands of cities and towns in between. PACE makes it possible for owners of residential, commercial, industrial, multifamily, and nonprofit properties to obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, water conservation, renewable energy projects, and more. (Tip: see where PACE operates on the page “PACE near you“)

PACE has already financed billions of dollars of clean energy improvements for homeowners and $approximately $500 million for over 1000 commercial building owners.  This capital investment has had profound impacts on local economies — it’s increased jobs for local, family-owned contractors and solar installers; reduced energy bills for thousands of homeowners, which puts more money in their pockets each month; and brought up property values in central business districts through efficient redevelopment projects.

PACE also helps municipalities meet their climate goals. Los Angeles, Miami, Multnomah County, OR, Milwaukee and other municipalities have used PACE as a tool to tackle their greenhouse gas and energy reduction targets. According to the HERO program — which has completed over $1.4 billion residential PACE financings — every $100,000 invested leads to 182 tons of CO2 emissions abated and over 200,000 gallons of water saved. PACE programs only allow the use of certified efficient products to ensure that customers will save energy.


Membership Process:

To join with the current group of Missouri Clean Energy District communities, please take the very simple required steps and make PACE funding available in your community. There is no liability, budget impact or administrative burden.

Just as we have for numerous of our members, we are happy to help with the membership process. We provide all the information needed to assist the governing body in understanding the steps which are taken to join with the district. Providing all legal documents relating to the district’s organization as well as specimen ordinances and resolutions for the authorization of local membership. We follow the prospective member’s lead as to their process but otherwise the process is straightforward.


Program Flyer


MCED Bylaws

Economic Impact Analysis

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