
The district operates under the oversight of a self-perpetuating Board of Directors. Each member community actively participates in the District’s business through an individual selected and named to the Advisory Council by the member municipality. This member appointed individual serves as a liaison between the the district and the community.  Advisory Council members are responsible for electing Board members.

Each year, the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee of five persons, at least one shall be a Director and the remainder shall be members of the Advisory Council.  The Executive Director shall serve as Secretary to the nominating committee.  Following solicitation of potential nominees, the committee shall review each nominee’s credentials.  No elected official of a member municipality may serve on the Board of Directors.

  1. The Secretary of the Nominating Committee shall submit the committee’s recommendations to the Board for final selection of at least two nominees for each Board vacancy.  Said nominees names and qualifications shall be submitted to the electors for a vote.
  2. There shall be an Election Meeting of the Board of Directors and the electors representing the member municipalities of the District at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors each year.  Said meeting shall be held at a time and place as designated by official notice.  Electors may participate by telephone.  Electors are chosen by member municipalities and may be the advisory board member or other citizen.
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